Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Turn your hobby to job?

Many curious about how I turn my job from an engineer to a florist. Frankly, flower arrangement was not my hobby before I had the thought of start a florist business. My dream was to have a career that related to art, craft and fashion, florist shop was one of the option. I injected all the 3 elements to my new career.

Nonetheless, it was not easy and smooth at all to chase my dream. I fell down, stood up, fell down and stood up again uncountable time. And, I sacrificed my adolescent, 2 years of life without facial and gym. I bet I would look 2 years younger if i never step into this business.

This is the 7th year of my new career, it become better and better now. I start to taste the feeling of stay between my dream and real life now. Let us cross over it, if you are having difficulty chasing your dream.

"Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes" -- Author Unknown